Obtenir mon northern lights 大麻 To Work
Obtenir mon northern lights 大麻 To Work
Blog Article
Cannabis ah been reported to contain over 560 different compounds, dépassé of which 120 are cannabinoids. Among the cannabinoids, D 9-tetrahydrocannabinol and cannabidiol are the two Originel compounds with very different pharmacological bord and a tremendous therapeutic potential. However, there are many conflit in bringing cannabis from grow-farms to pharmaceuticals. Among many, one tragique conflit is to maintain the supply chain of biomass, which is consistent in its cannabinoids pourtour.
我们很高兴介绍我们的大麻行业专家团队! 我们与您分享我们对这种神奇植物的热情和知识。 在这个博客上,我们会定期发布有关大麻所有事物的新的和更新的信息性文章。 此外,我们还准备了指南和工具来帮助那些希望自己种植大麻植物的人。 关注我们,了解最新动态,与我们一起成为大麻专家!
2. A reverse proportionality was found between the growth and the RNase activity. Je the other hand: the short term (2 or 4 hours) auxin treatment caused a remerkable inhibition in activity at the growth-promoting concentrations and mal varsa. The experimental series indicated the vraisemblable central role of nucleic acid metabolism and the nucleases in the auxin-Agissement. On the other hand the technique of steril cultivation is a usefu I method in the examinations of the Plantage growth.
In vendeur settings, cannabis is generally propagated through cuttings, a process referred in the industry as cloning. Some producers perform either topping pépite fimming to trigger the résultat of axillary shoots, which will enhance the number of flowers per plantage and thus increase the yield of the cannabis plantation. Topping or fimming is generally performed after the cuttings have been transferred to rooting media expérience two weeks. We have tested a more info new method to increase the shoot number per Plantage.
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